But I really can't be bothered.
Friday, December 23, 2005
E/N - zomg
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
At lunch break, the Teacher Mr Liu, took us to lunch as usual (for this school). Outside the school gates he was kind enough to point out that a hit-and-run accident had occurred nearby the night before, and that a middle-aged man had been killed by a truck.
He then points to the road, saying "that's his head, over there." Sure enough, there was some suspiciously brain-like matter sitting on the road.
After lunch, on my way back to the school, there were two men on the road, with shovels and plastic bags ready to clean this up.
Yes, they double-bagged.
Monday, December 05, 2005
another day, another rape dollar
People should be getting back from Fularji Chenguang school in a minute I think, maybe it's them I can here downstairs...
So, another week has gone by, and a new one has begun. This week, I should be going to schools at Jiusan and Nenjiang - to the north, which should be nice and cold for me! They tell me that the hotel at Jiusan is the best, and apparently the new hotel for Nenjiang is really good, too.I don't know what I'm doing when I finish now. Very little is there for me if I return to Newcastle -I went to China to get out- besides family, Australia is a bit that way as well. I'll have to start over again. And with no money it would seem - I have a resonable stash to travel China with, but the exchange rate is still going to screw me coming back.
I finally found out why my dear friend has been out of contact, some ugly family business, which means that she doesn't want to 'disturb' her or for me to call her. I'm quite torn up about it.
All I can hope for is for her to get back in contact with me sometime in the next couple of weeks, as I have to make travel plans and whatnot. Previously they would have included her.
I'm quite sure that I want to stay in China for a while longer, if only to learn the language better. My boss asked me if I wanted to marry a Chinese girl (apparently I should know after 3 months), because she could help. Even if I was going to, it wouldn't be who she was getting at...
Ahh, this crap does my head in. I'd love to get another job: maybe teaching, maybe doing something else. Preferably in another part of the country, but I'll settle here for a while, if I have to.
In other news, I've been invited to go to a Chinese/Korean Christmas church service for (oddly enough) Christmas Eve. I had a quick look at the place yesterday... it was so trippy to see "Silent Night" being sung in Chinese. It'll be odd for me to go as an Australian would-be Buddhist to go to, but my name is still Christopher, after all.
I better close before I continue rambling.
I had an unplanned day off today!
I couldn't help noticing a couple of things...
Emperor Yushchenko?
...I'm sure I'm going to some sort of hell for this:
And yes, I do need a girlfriend - or at least something better to do with my time... but it's too cold to go outside.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
3 months later
The fear in coming here that I felt at first has seemed to have washed away. I've had dozens of new experiences and seen ways of life that I couldn't have fathomed before. As always there's been the bad parts: beeing overworked and exploited by the school(s), being sick for weeks at a time, the horrible cold that creeps in a bit more each day, class after class of blank faces or sleeping heads on desks, and now: reports of Bird Flu close by!
Possibly the most painful, just now: my first tentative taste of (unfulfilled) lust & romance in such a long time finally crashing and burning - as it always had to, just not on the terms I would've liked...
I always have this feeling of what I'm missing out on. In some ways I miss my comfortable lazy existance at home before I left, but I know I am far better off for the experience. I won't be recommending these Aoqi (aka Auqi) people to anyone who wants to do ESL teaching, but it has been worth it for me. I guess I'm staying until the finish as a form of penance.
Right now, I'm really missing a very good friend, whom I don't get to see very much, since she was fired by the school. I must say that being in contact with her has kept me sane in many ways even if I've been miserable in my heart. I'm just hoping that I haven't completely lost contact, I'm very worried - I feel I've been a fool in many ways. Meeting her is easily the best thing about my trip here...
Anyway, so a few things that still surprise me: camorflage fatigues as a fashion statement; baijiu (a paint-stripper-like spirit) for sale everywhere - I had some at a fast-food joint [the comically named: Mr Lee: California Beef Noodle King U.S.A]; live turtles and frogs for sale in the supermarket; baby clothing with a split in the seat instead of using nappies.
I could go on for ages.
So my biggest concern now, is what will I do when I'm finished? We wind up on the 30th of December (I think) - hopefully I'll be travelling at the end - so many things I want to see before leaving the Middle Kingdom. Maybe I'll try for another job. When I return to australia, I'll be back to being a pauper and not knowing where I'm going - but I guess I'll have a bit more scope about life, now.
So I guess: To infinity and Beyond!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
early November update
Most weeks have been quite standard, being shipped off to towns to teach. Just this week I've been to the 2 furthest apart towns that we cover. From Tailai in the south (quite close to the borders with Jilin Province and Inner Mongolia - an 'Automous Region' of China) from Monday night until Thursday morning - when I took a 6 hour train trip to Nenjiang in the north (as far north as we go).
I was a bit annoyed that they wanted me to teach directly after that, luckily the train was late, so I had a small rest after - but no lunch.
We've now had 4 people leave (excluding old George who'd been here since February, and had 'earned' his trip home). A few weeks ago we had 3 people who left at night without telling anyone - a pretty weak act, really. And this week cranky old Jimmy left to go to Chongqing (in the south) to a new job and wife.
It's staring to get damn cold up here, I'm keen to see what things are like when it gets down to the -30 C they keep telling us about. Apparently snow is forcast for Monday...
Not much else to go on about, except that watching TV at the Nenjiang hotel the other night allowed me to see the worst piece of casting in a program or movie I had ever seen. It was some bizarre early 20th/late 19th Century Tibetan period drama (in Chinese, of course) featuring some German sounding guys as a British East India Company officer. Imagine listening to McBain from the Simpsons rattle off pompous sounding English Dialogue:
OK, I'm out. Bye.
Monday, September 19, 2005
I'm Dayle Kerrigan, and this is my story.
Got very very drunk. I loathe that baijio crap with a passion. some dude made me skull a glass of that shite - I think it was the guy that looked alarmingly like Jackie Chan, but I'm not sure - he was making sure everyone got pissed.
came back to this shack, went with a couple of people to this karaoke joint where you rent out your own little rooms. the place is a little reminscient of a brothel, with its dingy lighting and many doors.
I went to sing "Blue Monday" but it was the wrong bloody song - i was so stoked when I thought they actually had New Order on the karaoke thing, i should've known better.
Actually tried Newcastle Brown Ale for the first time last night. It's ok, but expensive for beer in china. In case I haven't mentioned, most beer here resembles cat piss, in taste, consistency and alcoholic content. I've found one good beer which is Mingdueyao (the local brewer) white or V9 - it actually tastes like beer.
Went to a gay bar the other night with a whole bunch of people (Patrick, one of the people here is quite possibly the Biggest Gay Stereotype in History) ... So, now I can cross 'see Chinese drag show" off my list of things to do in my life.
Jessica (my lady-friend) came along and was quietly terrified for most of the night. I went home soon after she left, since it was a little strange hanging around at closing time without a woman or beer to hold onto for comfort.
Today is pretty slow. I'm on-call today, which hopefully means I won't have to teach today. Nurisng a bit of a hangover.
Had to listen to someone screeching into her mobile phone in the corridor at 6am, talking to someone in australia.
I swear she was just talking that loud so everyone else could hear her. If i had more energy then I would've been angry.
"fixed" this computer this morning, but the system is still in conching chinese, so only the psychics and somewhat computer-savvy amongst us will be able to use it.
I've Realised that I'm going to have to drink black coffee from now on, since real milk is virtually impossible to find.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
gan bei!
The women and kids here are so cute.
Food here is very good, but "deadly". I ate a whole fish yesterday because it would've been impolite not to.
It's pretty cold today.
This mouse is rooted.
The 1300 RMB I got out of the bank today is so much more impressive than the $216 it's worth in Australia. Probably the second-biggest wad I've ever possessed.
CentreLink suck for not getting my money to me a week ago.
I had KFC for lunch, but won't have it again for about 3 weeks because I don't really fancy getting dysentary anytime soon.
I don't think I've ever talked so much about my bowel movements so much in my life.
The new Harry Potter book is pretty depressing. Goblet of Fire is probably my favourite.
The concept that I'll be teaching English is a little horrifying, given that I'm already speaking broken English here.
I'm pretty certain that I want to be a novelist now. All I need now is suitable topics... and perhaps regaining my English language faculties.