Most weeks have been quite standard, being shipped off to towns to teach. Just this week I've been to the 2 furthest apart towns that we cover. From Tailai in the south (quite close to the borders with Jilin Province and Inner Mongolia - an 'Automous Region' of China) from Monday night until Thursday morning - when I took a 6 hour train trip to Nenjiang in the north (as far north as we go).
I was a bit annoyed that they wanted me to teach directly after that, luckily the train was late, so I had a small rest after - but no lunch.
We've now had 4 people leave (excluding old George who'd been here since February, and had 'earned' his trip home). A few weeks ago we had 3 people who left at night without telling anyone - a pretty weak act, really. And this week cranky old Jimmy left to go to Chongqing (in the south) to a new job and wife.
It's staring to get damn cold up here, I'm keen to see what things are like when it gets down to the -30 C they keep telling us about. Apparently snow is forcast for Monday...
Not much else to go on about, except that watching TV at the Nenjiang hotel the other night allowed me to see the worst piece of casting in a program or movie I had ever seen. It was some bizarre early 20th/late 19th Century Tibetan period drama (in Chinese, of course) featuring some German sounding guys as a British East India Company officer. Imagine listening to McBain from the Simpsons rattle off pompous sounding English Dialogue:
OK, I'm out. Bye.
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