Tuesday, March 14, 2006

white day

First of all, I'd like to introduce everyone to the Gumi 'Kasanoba' - ladies he's here for you!

Gumi Kasanoba

My first job in Korea has fallen through, due to crap relating to visas, so I've been lined up with a new deal here in Gumi (the city formerly known as Kumi - still is according to some signs). The pay is better (by about $100US a month and I get a far better flat - even if it seems to be lacking a few things so far. I'll start actual teaching on the 20th.

Not a whole lot of news, but apparently my nephew Luke will be on the Lifestyle Food Channel in Aussieland some time. So look out for a blonde 1-year-old in a shopping trolley if you have pay-TV.

I have a cold, it sucks. These photos and a few more are available for looka-looka - there.

But also, sea worms.

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