Thursday, September 01, 2005

gan bei!

Chinese roads are like a big monkey shit fight.

The women and kids here are so cute.

Food here is very good, but "deadly". I ate a whole fish yesterday because it would've been impolite not to.

It's pretty cold today.

This mouse is rooted.

The 1300 RMB I got out of the bank today is so much more impressive than the $216 it's worth in Australia. Probably the second-biggest wad I've ever possessed.

CentreLink suck for not getting my money to me a week ago.

I had KFC for lunch, but won't have it again for about 3 weeks because I don't really fancy getting dysentary anytime soon.

I don't think I've ever talked so much about my bowel movements so much in my life.

The new Harry Potter book is pretty depressing. Goblet of Fire is probably my favourite.

The concept that I'll be teaching English is a little horrifying, given that I'm already speaking broken English here.

I'm pretty certain that I want to be a novelist now. All I need now is suitable topics... and perhaps regaining my English language faculties.

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